Lynch Family Companies is Committed to Animal Welfare and We Care Principles

Lynch Family Companies is Committed to Animal Welfare and We Care Principles

By: Russ Bohach, President of GJL Farms Production

Lynch Family Companies is proud to follow Pork Checkoff’s We Care ethical principles, which outlines six principles promoting animal welfare and the good of both employees and their communities. Through these principles, Lynch Family Companies strives to achieve their own mission of responsible pork and beef production, providing quality products and services and investing in innovative stewardship practices.

About the We Care Commitment

According to We Care, the We Care Ethical Principles commitment was launched in 2008 to promote responsibility across every aspect of pork production – from farming and transportation to everything in between. This program was developed by pig farmers and is operated by the National Pork Board, the National Pork Producers Council and the many state organizations that represent pig farmers. Pork Checkoff describes this program as an initiative that promotes responsible practices within the pork industry, allowing them to continuously evaluate and improve their practices. 

We Care’s commitment to pig and swine welfare is made up of six principles that encourage all individuals who interact with pigs to positively impact both the animals they work with and the customers they serve. 

  1. Food safety

    We Care believes providing safe and nutritious food is their most important responsibility, which involves everyone from farmers and veterinarians to those who transport animals.

  2. Animal well-being

    To keep food safe, animals must be treated with the utmost care – which involves providing them with nutritious feed and proper veterinary care.

  3. Environment

    Farmers know better than anyone that everyone’s livelihood depends on the environment, which is why the environmental impact of farms and sustainability is always monitored. 

  4. Public health

    Along with maintaining food safety, We Care is committed to developing and emphasizing protocols that manage disease, manure and air quality for all.

  5. Our people

    We Care inspires organizations to create a safe, ethical workplace that emphasizes trust, education and training for all employees. It is paramount for farmers to strive to stay up to date on the latest knowledge and practices by participating in reputable certification programs.

  6. Our community

    Playing an active role in building stronger communities is the way farmers build trust in pork production and farming operations. 

How Lynch Family Companies put these principles into practice

Lynch Family Companies follows the We Care philosophies at all locations that are involved in livestock production. 

To ensure the proper and ethical treatment of animals, Lynch Family Companies and our partner farms follow a variety of compliance protocols. At some farms, workers fill out USDA approved humane handling monitoring records daily, while at other farms, quality assurance and barn supervisors monitor and train workers. 

Lynch Family Companies’ employees participate in ongoing employee and contractor trainings that educate our workforce about ethical animal treatment and reinforce existing good practices. Comprehensive lists of animal welfare protocols are posted in visible areas so all workers can refresh their knowledge of best practices. All employees are also trained and certified for their specialty positions including pork quality assurance (PQA), transport quality assurance (TQA) and beef quality assurance (BQA). These certification programs help pig and cattle farmers and livestock transportation professionals to continually improve production practices. This type of training focuses on food safety, animal well-being, environmental stewardship, worker safety, public health and community. 

Depending on the stage of production, our farms employ many strategies to promote animal well-being. Many farms utilize well-ventilated, temperature-controlled indoor facilities that increase biosecurity – protecting animals from external diseases and illnesses. Other farms opt for outdoor, crate free, vegetarian-fed practices. No matter the type of facility, all shelters are designed, maintained and operated to provide an environment that meets the basic needs of animals.

Animal health is also protected on Lynch Family Companies farms through appropriate veterinary care. Our teams work to promptly identify animals in need of special care so they can receive appropriate treatment. 

Lynch Family Companies’ principles

  1. Innovation

    Lynch Family Companies strives to provide value to their customers by finding forward-thinking solutions to today’s agriculture challenges. This includes sustainable farming practices, responsible water usage, innovative animal care and more.

  2. Integrity

    Not only do we value our partnerships with farmers and communities, but we are also committed to the respectful treatment of our animals. 

  3. Excellence

    Lynch Family Companies believes that pursuing excellence fosters our teams’ innovative and competitive spirit, which enables us to exceed industry standards and customer expectations. 

  4. Family

    Similarly to We Care, we are proud of our strong family culture and connection to the many communities we serve, and we support both personal and professional growth for all our employees.

  5. Responsibility 

    At Lynch, we know that it is our responsibility to demonstrate the positive impact that the pork and beef industries have on our state, region and world. That is why we are proud to live the We Care principles on our farms each day. 

In many ways, the We Care program is aligned with Lynch Family Companies’ business principles. From the beginning, we have been committed to ethically and responsibly raising high-quality pork and beef that provides healthy meals for our communities. 

About Lynch

Lynch Family Companies is a family-owned, agriculture-focused organization based out of Waucoma, Iowa. From animal nutrition and pork and beef production to livestock transportation and automotive services, Lynch’s thirteen companies provide services tailored to their respective communities and customers – all bound by Lynch Family Companies’ commitment to feed our communities, region and world.